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The Green Hotel Revolution: The Saul Hotel’s Commitment in Tel Aviv

In the vibrant heart of Tel Aviv, there’s a unique establishment that’s redefining luxury and comfort. Not only does The Saul Hotel promise an exceptional experience to its guests, but it also stands as a beacon of sustainability and community support. This commitment places it among the leaders in the “green hotel” initiative, a movement reimagining the hospitality sector.


More Than Just a Stay

When you choose to stay at The Saul Hotel, you’re investing in a vision that’s larger than a night’s rest. It’s an opportunity to be part of a transformative narrative—one that values neighbors, culture, and the planet at large. The moment you step through the doors, you’ll feel the distinct energy of a place that genuinely cares about its footprint, its people, and its surroundings.


Sustainability at Our Core

Saul Hotel’s embrace of the “green hotel” ethos is deep-rooted and holistic. Committed to upholding the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs), the hotel has streamlined these global objectives into its very core. But what does this mean in tangible terms?

From the gentle hum of energy-saving air conditioners to the efficient water heaters that ensure every shower is both comforting and eco-conscious, the establishment’s infrastructure speaks of environmental responsibility. The decision to use eco-friendly cleaning supplies and the determined stand against the use of disposables further amplify this dedication.


Celebrating Tel Aviv’s Rich Culture

Tel Aviv is a city brimming with art, history, and innovation. And Saul ensures that this vibrant culture is not just observed but actively celebrated. By hosting concerts spotlighting emerging artists, or through partnerships with neighboring museums, the hotel becomes a cultural hub in itself. It’s not just about offering a place to stay—it’s about embedding guests in the city’s rich tapestry of stories and experiences.


Elevating the Local Economy

Supporting local businesses is at the heart of Saul’s operations. When you enjoy the aromatic soaps or savor the fine wines and chocolates available in your room, know that they’ve been sourced from the businesses that dot Tel Aviv’s bustling streets. Even the delightful flowers that may adorn your space have local origins. Such deliberate choices not only ensure premium quality but also invigorate the local economy, reinforcing the symbiotic bond between the hotel and the city.


Fostering Community Connections

Diversity and inclusion are not just buzzwords at Saul. The hotel’s team, directly hired, reflects the vibrant spectrum of Tel Aviv’s community. It’s a testament to Saul’s commitment to fortifying the city’s social fabric, ensuring that as the hotel grows, so does its community.


Green Key Certification: A Feather in the Cap

Among its many accolades, The Saul Hotel boasts of a distinctive honor—it’s the only establishment in Tel Aviv to have been awarded the Green Key label from the Foundations of Environmental Education (FEE). This international eco-label for tourism and leisure establishments is granted to those that fulfill a list of rigorous environmental requirements. For Saul, it’s not just a recognition but a challenge—to continually strive, day after day, to be even better.



In a world where travel’s environmental impact is increasingly under scrutiny, The Saul Hotel in Tel Aviv emerges as a forerunner in the “green hotel” movement. It reimagines luxury, making it sustainable, community-oriented, and deeply conscious. Here, each stay resonates with a promise—a promise of a better, greener future. So, the next time you find yourself in Tel Aviv, experience hospitality that truly matters. Experience Saul.