We’re taught to leave a place better than how we found it.

A stay with Saul is not only valuable for our guests — but for our neighbors, our culture, and our planet.

We embrace sustainability and responsibility in everything that we do, incorporating the UNSDGs into our core planning and processes.

We care for
our planet

Minimizing our carbon footprint every way we can, from energy-saving air conditioners and water heaters to eco-friendly cleaning supplies, zero use of disposables, and more.

We nurture
local culture

Hosting concerts with emerging artists, partnering with neighboring museums, and collaborating with local designers.

We support the
local economy

Supplying our guests with soaps, wines, chocolates, flowers and more from the businesses that surround us.

We strengthen the
city’s social fabric

Directly hiring each of our employees, ensuring our team reflects the diversity of the community, and evolving together over the years.

We are the only hotel in Tel Aviv with a Green Key label from FEE (the foundations of environmental education) — and we take steps with each day to be even better than we were the day before.

our sustainability policy